Today there was a very touching protest in Maydan (the very center of Kiev) where members of FEMEN (student girls organisation) gathered to display their anger against the widespread image of Ukraine as a
brothel-state and
bridebasket of Europe. As we already know that in these times when Russia has become a net-importer of prostitution (turning swiftly from its top place in net-exporter status), Ukraine has the lead in the worldwide trafficking of women. Almost all slavic prostitutes in Turkey are now Ukrainian (
not a personal info) and there are frequent tours from Turkey to Ukrainain Black Sea cities by various organisation dubbed as "Morale Tours" or "Dealership Tours" but actually they are nothing but guided sex tours to brothels or various shabby nightclubs. (The good thing is that the clients do not have to lie when they report to their wives that they are on a "business trip")
Here are some photos from today's protest. Note that there is one sign in
Turkish(!)...that may give you an idea about the dominant nationality of their clients...
SEX NE TOBAP (Sex isn't trade)..and with such outfits the girls justify their cause
UKRAINE GENEL EV DEGIL (In Turkish: Ukraine isn't a brothel) is much more than that

The protest ended with the traditional Ukrainian "Bite the Dollar" ceremony
Such a stupid organization ! Before, I was thinking they are really doing good, unfortunately they broke our heart yesterday . We are not the Nationality who wanna sexual trade with Ukrainian ! We do not deserve this ! All nationality has bad-good person, such as Ukrainian either .
In America and Canada, there are more prostitute living than in Turkey , Nobody complaining about this !
Somebody trying to destroy this relationship among Turkey and Ukraine ! This is just disgusting !
but they are sexy.
ukraine isn't a brothel...but ukrainian girls are voluntary bitches ;)
Wow, first, thanks for linking my blog...I like the way you have set up your header, photos, etc...
second, thanks for writing about this demonstration. It looks interesting. I have many Ukrainian women friends and feel sorry sometimes because foreigners do look at them as being "easy" or as "sex objects." Not all Ukrainian women want to project themselves as sex objects. I am fascinated with the photos of the demonstration because the women dressed up like prostitutes. Was this intentional do you think? Or are they thinking they are just expressing feminine power by dressing this way? I don't want to sound old fashioned, but when you dress like a prostitute, men respond like you are a prostitute.....
Just let a slut be a slut, and as for Turkey, we all know there ways are they want to pay money for sex with women from Europe, I just hope the women are careful because some men in that country have habits of a stalker. Get your sex idiots but don't kill or stalk people, just leave. Understand that it was a business transaction. Finally remember that all women are not PROSTITUTES, so don't approach all of them as though they are!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't like when Europeans treat Turkish women like sluts do you?
We do not treat Euroean women like sluts. We are not stalkers neither. Just drop those prejuidice and complexes. Firstly, not all the tourists going to Ukraine or to other countri,es in Europe from Turkey are not necessarily Turkish. If you still want to generalize all Turkish men because of sex tourists going from Turkey out of all the men from various countries going to Ukraine for the very same reason, then come to Turkey and see all the women coming to Turkey for sex tourism and prostutition. Then maybe you will understand why Turkish people make a generalization. Quite frankly, I have no hatred or anger to anyone from any country specifically. However, I do not believe Turkish men deserve this. Understand? Verstanden? Capis? or whatever...
The American feminist organizations are behind this. They don't want US men chosing more intelligent and beautiful women than themselves (the US feminists are usually over 40).
The whole point of the feminist movement is to stop men from dating younger women. That is why they first made it illegal in the USA to have sex with an employee, then they made it illegal for a professor to have sex with a college student (adult) and now they are slandering Ukrainian women by calling them Mail Order Brides.
Believe me, the US feminists are the ones who call Ukrainian women whores. They are not out to protect the foreign women but to teach them how to hate American men so the American men will stop travelling and marry them.
They now have a vicious US law called IMBRA which forces US men to be background checked before they can say hello to a foreign women like a Ukrainian woman.
Note that this Ukrainian feminist organization (backed by vicious american women) is trying to make it criminal for a man to go to one of the brothels mentioned above. This would not be funny at all if such a law were passed and innocent businessmen were caught by the feminist ideological nonsense.
It is one thing to shout out your ideologies, it is another thing to threaten jail.
Turks are 99% ''SLUTS'' when u get married to a turk your new wife's ''sister'' wants to fck u also, the girls from the black sea area 'all' do this as its part of their culture to fck their new brother in-laws, Attaturk himself was bisexual and he sleep in the same bed with 'little' boys (sic bastard) One day turkey will be destroyed when the next major war hits, why? = because everybody on this planet 'hates' the turkish scum their women are whores and their men fck donkeys back home in their small villages such as in Güdül (near to Ankara) how do i know this? because i have been to Güdül twice and i have seen it with my own eyes :( my parents are both turkish but we all don't mix with any turkish in Australia, i married a turkish girl from the black sea area and straight away her blond haired sister tried as hard as possible to fck me and right in front of her own scum family, the day that turkey will be destroyed and whipped of the face of this planet will be a great day for Europe, Australia and 'all' of the world!!
It's not generalisation to say that Turkey has a problem. The fact that groups of Turkish men would go to a country purely for sex says it all and to be honest I'm not surprised. If they are not beating their wives they are looking to pay for sex.
OK not all are like this but wake up it's probably 99% of you!
Actually, many of the on-line dating sites are also full of Turkish men harassing Ukrainian and Russian women. I met my wife on-line, and I cannot count how many people I met or talked to, prior to meeting her, who were sick and tired of Turkish guys bugging them for a date. Turkish and Arabic guys will also use the Ukrainian style social networking sites to make friends with unsuspecting Ukrainian women, as well, using the same high pressure tactics.
Turks are not liberated sexually. So they frequent brothels in their districts run by Turkish mafia that prey on women from Ex or current Soviet blok counties such as anything ending in -Stan. Turks are lousy business men so the rely on screwing each other so they can get ahead-Digukan
I will try to never visit Turkey again. The Turkish men have no class trying to get my Ukrainian girl right in front of my own eyes. Blatantly staring at her breasts all the time. Cars pulling next to her at night slamming on the brakes while i am holding her hand. Finally the last night, a taxi driver drugged me and tried to rape my girlfriend. ...I almost died and am still suffering. I will hopefully never set foot in that country again.
Turkish women are the best women in the world you bastard. They are wonderful mothers, much better than these Ukranian ass wipes which is what you are calling women. All of my friends who are married to Ukranian bitches in US are in misery. You do not know anything about Turkish culture, fucking bastard. And no Turkish woman would marry such a looser like you anyways!! You are a fucking liar and everything you say about Turkey is a fucking lie. Ukranian know two things: 1. How to destroy a man 2. How to spread disease
those turks are a bunch of miserable losers trying to get laid… most of the ukrainians I know are so fed up by this silly invasion and all the ukrainian ladies that I know wouldn't go out with any of those monkey looking like turks, not even for a coffe…
Guys from northen europe and north america are the welcome ones.
those turks are a bunch of miserable losers trying to get laid… most of the ukrainians I know are so fed up by this silly invasion and all the ukrainian ladies that I know wouldn't go out with any of those monkey looking like turks, not even for a coffe…
Guys from northen europe and north america are the welcome ones.
There is a saying in Turkish. If a tree gives fruits, it is stoned. As far as i can see, many people have ass pain from Turks and this is quite understandable.
When it comes to fighting, all others are cowards escape. Turks fight to the end.
When it comes to fucking, for turk coming before the woman is a shame. For others, they just fuck. Turks are real fuckers.
When it comes to spend money for a woman, Turk spends and never thinks. Others are like Jews. Preserve money, plan to take it to the graveyard.
When it comes to be a real man, no one can touch a woman next to a Turk. Turk will die but never allow anybody to touch her. Look what the asshole is crying above about his pains. Don't cry, be a man.
When it comes to earning money for the family, Turk works to the end. Others sell their women.
When, when, when.... At the end of all these whens, ask Turks to all European women, not to men who feels like assholes compared to Turkish men. Women will tell u the truth, not the men who depress themselves against Turkish men due to their inferiority complexes.
I'm an African American who's dated over the years, a number of women in cities like Kiev, Vinnitsia, Dniproprovsk, cherkassy, Berdyansk. Generally I avoid Odessa / Kharkov because low life Turks prey on these cities like the vermin they are. Their sullied reputation for kak-handedness treatment of Ukrainian women is well known and widespread. These miserable excuses for men, spend their time trawling the streets in groups, harassing women at will, and call this "having game" I've seen in several cities Ukrainian men now arming themselves to protect their women from these marauding Sexual predators, and not before time. Turks in Ukraine behave like unreconstructed neanderthal s. The sooner Ukraine adopts Russia's visa policy the better for everyone else!!
I'm an African American who's dated over the years, a number of women in cities like Kiev, Vinnitsia, Dniproprovsk, cherkassy, Berdyansk. Generally I avoid Odessa / Kharkov because low life Turks prey on these cities like the vermin they are. Their sullied reputation for kak-handedness treatment of Ukrainian women is well known and widespread. These miserable excuses for men, spend their time trawling the streets in groups, harassing women at will, and call this "having game" I've seen in several cities Ukrainian men now arming themselves to protect their women from these marauding Sexual predators, and not before time. Turks in Ukraine behave like unreconstructed neanderthal s. The sooner Ukraine adopts Russia's visa policy the better for everyone else!!
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