25 September 2008

How corrupt are You?

Transparency International published its long awaited list of corruption. As expected, my beloved motherland (not Russia...Turkey) with its heavy islamic facelift has come to 58th position in 2008 (It was 64th in 2007). Islam preaches (as with every decent belief system) a severely anti-corruption teaching and even though the rise of corruption dossiers as high as the Mount Ararat, the current government still holds strong with their massive supoort of the proletariat (more than 70% of Turkey)...anyway this blog is not a good place for opposition.

Although the country that I live in seems good in ratings, the countries that I work in/with are clinging strong to the bottom of the list with the expected league of failed states. Ukraine is 134th and Russia is 147th and the quasi-communist state of Belarus is 151th in the list. I think I have told you how hard my job is...

Let's talk about business

Not long ago, I was told that a leading automotive brand from germany (all German brands are leading but this one is the absolute leader of all) had to wait for 7 years to get his flagship store opened in Kiev because they wanted every single paperwork to be clean and bribe-free...This ain't Frankfurt guys! They may be driving the latest luxury cars but they still work as if they are in USSR. Just give the sulking rubber-stamp guy what he wants to get his Dacha fixed...


Anonymous said...

Seven years is a long time but Malodetz they wanted to be on the up and up. Proves this CAN be done.....

Unknown said...

Your recommend some kind of culture relativism, sir Dinc..))