13 November 2006

Russian Reversal

The Russian Reversal is a debating and argumentative tactic developed by the USSR during the twentieth century. A tool described as being able to end and subsequently win any discussion, its original intent was to stupefy capitalist dogs by inverting the sentence and introducing a new prepositional phrase, thus obfuscating the topic and allowing the debater to take control and bury his opponent. Its execution is as simple as it is lethal: the subject and direct object of the sentence in question are reversed, the sentence is preceded with "in Soviet Russia" and all sentences are shifted into the second person.

For example,

"In America, you can always find a party."


"In Soviet Russia, Party finds YOU!!"

This is because Soviet Russia is a wondrous land of complete automation and bizarre reversal of ordinary American events and situations. Imagine your wonder when, upon calling a taxi, you discover that here in Soviet Russia, taxi calls YOU!!

Here are some other reversals:

* In Soviet Russia, monkey spanks YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, toilet flushes YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, toilet sits on YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, fish catches YOU!
* In Soviet Russia, fence sits on YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, radio listens to YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, cold catches YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, sentence finishes YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, bucket kicks YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, TV watches YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, steak grills YOU!!!
* In Soviet Russia, time kills YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, CD burns YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, bar walks into YOU!!
* В Советской России русский язык переводит ВАС!! (In Soviet Russia, Russian translates YOU!!)
* In Soviet Russia, whale watches YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, load shoots YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, ride pimps YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, ass kicks YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, joke overuses YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, road hits YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, flag burns YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, mouse traps YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, remote controls YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, scissors cuts YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, movie pirates YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, day seizes YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, machine operates YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, cigarette smokes YOU!!
* In Soviet Russia, plug pulls YOU!!

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