21 November 2006


3 things that foreigners know about Turkey: Turkish Delight, Turkish Invasion and Galatasaray...

Untill last month, I was sure that I could find the first two in Moscow; but during a late night walk I came into this spectacular sight. Now we can refrain from boring Russian League and taste some quality footballing a la turca...

KAFE GALATASARAY! A dream come true...


Anonymous said...

I find they also know about Midnight Express and Istanbul not Constantinople ....also maybe kebabs too.

Dinc Arslan said...

I haven't met anyone (not Turkish) so far that has watched that movie...why are we so obsessed with this?? There are much more terrible things "we" do that has more anti-propaganda material than this film...and I suggest you read the book, he admits that he is a "drug-smuggler" and he would get a similar treatment in anywhere else in the world...