26 January 2007

Police Cars

I don't know if it is over-nationalism or just a burden of previous economic crisis; but nearly all of the cars allotted to the police force are either made in Turkey or some obsolete foreign ones (both of which are normally made for families with low transportation budget or slow joyrides). So the thieves or fugitives usually enjoy their supremacy on their getaways, until they crash into a roadblock or run out of gas. I have never witnessed a turkish car chase with such glamour like their american counterparts...

To serve and to protect (with obsolete Renaults)

Anyway, I have noticed a variety of odd cars in the moscowite police car pool (from good-old Ladas to Mercedes e200 saloons), but the guys at EnglishRussia.com has spotted a really cool scene...Russian police with Porsche Cayenne SUV chasing a Porsche Carrera!...it seems that eventually they got him nearby Kremlin..and another question..who rides a convertible in Moscow? it is already -15 outside

Hello Comrade, you have a nice car...but mine is better


Anonymous said...

Merhaba, yazinizi okuyunca aklima hemen [1] geldi... Bir de [2] var... Asiri milliyetcilikten ya da basimizdan gecen krizlerden oldugunu dusunmuyorum. Saniyorum yedek parca, servis vb. sikintilardan dolayi Turkiye'deki makam araclari haric (benim rastladiklarim hep Passat'ti ) emniyete ait araclar hep yerli uretim oluyor. Ne yani, Turkiye'de Lambo yaptilar da, biz mi polisin altina vermedik :)
P.S: Yazilarinizi ilgi ile takip ediyoruz, saygilar.

[1] http://www.lamborghiniregistry.com/News/ItalianPolice.html

[2] http://www.sabah.com.tr/2006/12/24/eko104.html

Anonymous said...

errr.... more likely the police car is the security escort vehicle for the Porsche Carrera.

Alev said...

I'm telling you, it's the fur :)

Dinc Arslan said...

Belki bir noktayi atlamis olabilirim...Turk polisinin bu tip araclara ihtiyacu var mi? Burda en az 4 serit olan yollarda amerikan tarzi bir kacis yapmak kolay olsa da dar ve delik desit istanbul yollarinda zaten her hangi bi yere carpmadan yada sansimani dagitmadan polisten kacmaya imkan yok gibi gozukuyor...Bu arada 3 gundur kar yagmasina ragmen trafigin (ozelikle arkadan itisli arabalarin bile) ayni hiz ve temposunda devam etmesi ilgi cekici tabi.

Anonymous said...

aslinda bizim emniyette birer adet porsche ,lambo,veron.... alıp sultanahmet,ayasofya,dolmabahce gibi turistik mekanlarin onune koyabilir pekala....maksat reklam olsun,trollere gun dogsun....